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little eagle
Female, age unknown, loves BLUE
Plays piano, played bass clarinet
in school band
Loves Snoopy, Chip & Dale,
Bugs Bunny, Seven Dwarfs,
Forever Friends Bear,
Doggies and Piggies
Eats when stressed.
Loves chocolates and icecream
Gets paranoid easily.
Prone to clumsiness and getting




1. Go Tasmania
2. Go New Zealand
3. Have a dog
4. Learn driving (eventually)
5. Save more money (on-going)
6. Be Healthy (trying very hard)
7. Find someone and have a family
(trying :D)


1. Malacca with J21
2. Taipei!
3. Holiday lessons for Sec 5
4. Long overdue Clarinets outing!


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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ok, previous post is like so OUT-DATED... cos i went to Hoddaido in like December 2009? Haha...

Now what else...

These people INSIST that I talk about them...

Well, they are... a rather lovable, bubbly bunch I would say... Of course if they use the same amount of spirit they have for EVERYTHING else, on their studies too, they will be fantastic. There were really enjoyable times spent with them. Of course I have my share of disappointing moments with them too... but let's not talk about them here. :)

I started off the year with a lot of 'warnings' from various people. Basically that's what we always do. We'll ask around... so how are they? Who are the people to look out for? Some will be very general and say, they're not easy, but just continue with what you've been doing and you can do it! Some are more 'specific' and say look out for the A****, the X*****, the R*****, and R***. So, I went in with certain expectations. :)

They are not easy I would say, I had to crack my brains on how to bring them to my side and when they celebrated my birthday with me, I felt that my efforts have not gone to waste.

The celebration was a pleasant surprise. This was really one of the 'surprise' celebrations that was REALLY a surprise. In the past, someone will always manage to leak out something... Actually I should have thought of it when they asked for $20 to buy stuff for 'class deco'. Even when my colleagues came and ask me whether it's my birthday, I still didn't expect the celebration. I walked into class to see them 'extremely' obedient, greeting with extra enthusiasm, with some empty seats. Then some walked in with the cake, think they were hiding in the toilet before I came in. Well, from the noise they made, they managed to let a whole lot of people know that my birthday was coming, and had two 'seniors' walk by to see what is going on, and one even got her hp confiscated cos she's trying to get the cake.

Recently we had this carnival, which many of them worked very hard for. I was really so proud of them, seeing the way they did the carnival and how they worked together. I was actually so worried at some point of time whether things are getting done, and when I asked, they were like, ya we're doing it and everything turned out great. We were the first stall to finish selling our food. I personally think we had the best decorations, so upset when I knew there were no prizes for that. We had the best advertisers... the way they go around shouting was so amusing. The games stall was like giving away prizes at a loss, the little children kept coming back to our stall cos we place the ball soooo close to the target for them and we gave a whole lot of presents no matter what score they hit.

Then there was sports day... I was SOOO looking forward to the class relay... then they cancelled it cos of lack of time. So disappointing... I was so sure we would win something... sigh... But a number of them still won prizes in other events. This people a lot of sporty ones... Cannot stay still. This makes me miss MY Sec School's sports day. I never took part though... I'm not the type who participate in sports... see my size you'll know :)... but i love watching sports... basketball, badminton, volleyball, swimming, diving, gymnastics etc... but no soccer... I think it's boring...

So now the important time of the year is coming! Work hard! It's 40% of final ok! Don't disregard it's importance. MUST WORK HARD! Do yourself proud! Make me proud. :)

:D 4/25/2010 03:03:00 PM

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Today is 'almost' FIVE months from my last entry. Ppl around are like... Hello... your blog? is it still alive? Well, I get that a lot...

Anyway, I've lots to talk about... but first let's talk about my HOKKAIDO trip... :)

Well, it's UNFORGETTABLE... the guide says it's all white when it snows... True enough... but i had lots of first times in this trip...

I saw so much snow that I almost couldn't walk through it...

Tasted snow...

Made my first snow angel

Ate KOBE beef... Cost like S$120 for a piece slightly large than your palm. It's the BEST type of beef ever available... Apparently they play music to the cows starting from 3 months old.

Made a snow man... (guess how BIG is it?)

Drank beer fresh from factory...

Ate ice-cream in the snow...

Ate sea-urchin...

Saw TWO Frozen waterfalls...

Slept on extremely comfortable Tatami... I don't mind my bed room like this in future... Save on bed frame.

and woke up in the morning and saw THIS

Love this place... I'll be back again... during the summer season... but that has to be during July... which with my current job, is quite impossible... Well, the day will come... Maybe... in many years from now.

:D 4/24/2010 01:48:00 PM