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little eagle
Female, age unknown, loves BLUE
Plays piano, played bass clarinet
in school band
Loves Snoopy, Chip & Dale,
Bugs Bunny, Seven Dwarfs,
Forever Friends Bear,
Doggies and Piggies
Eats when stressed.
Loves chocolates and icecream
Gets paranoid easily.
Prone to clumsiness and getting




1. Go Tasmania
2. Go New Zealand
3. Have a dog
4. Learn driving (eventually)
5. Save more money (on-going)
6. Be Healthy (trying very hard)
7. Find someone and have a family
(trying :D)


1. Malacca with J21
2. Taipei!
3. Holiday lessons for Sec 5
4. Long overdue Clarinets outing!


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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Forgot to mention... My greatest event since beginning of the year. I got my hair cut. Finally!!

Went with an ex-student last Wednesday to a salon opposite school to cut. He was the one who went around checking price and 'decor' of place haha...

Anyway, I like my hair now... Can't show picture cos I tried taking picture but my hair looks nice and my face looks stupid.

Oh, and I love this salon. The hairdresser said the student looked 21, when he's only 16, and said I looked 24, when I'm well, a little older than that. YEAH! finally some one who actually guess my age YOUNGER than actual. Ok lah... i know they trying to make me happy so I can come back and spend money again right... Ya I know...

:D 1/25/2009 10:39:00 AM

EPA Video


I managed to 'RE-publish' the movie from Movie Maker and set to a smaller size. So now I managed to upload the file...

You can either choose to watch the imeem one (in previous post) online, or download this one. But I think quality not so good... cos from 190 MB now shrink to 80+ MB only. So if you still want the 190MB file, I'm sorry you'll have to come school with thumbdrive to find me. =P

:D 1/25/2009 10:28:00 AM

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Here's the link to the EPA Video... I'm still finding a way to upload the 190 MB file so that you all can download... but as of now, just view it from here ba... (Right click and Open in New Tab/Window will be good... It takes quite some time to load...)

EPA Korea Video'08

It's doesn't work when embedded... dunno why... so have to watch from link.

It appears that I forgot to bring the PowerPoint slides home... So have to wait until after CNY then can download... so, wait a while more ba...

:D 1/24/2009 10:47:00 PM

Eventful 3 weeks of school. Including Sec 1 Orientation, CCA Selection, O level results, EPA Presentation....

Sec 1 Orientation:
had to stay in school until 9pm tat day, just because I was a subject teacher of HALF a class of Sec 1. Sigh... Suppose to help the EPA students edit their video, but the student had to wait so long to pass me the file, that I fell a sleep. My Friday timetable has EIGHT periods... drained me out man... by the time he passed me the file, I was sleeping... then woke up do a bit here and there and cannot continue le... big headache... so much things to change... ok I was a bit ambitious...
Luckily got ex-students to 'entertain' me... Like last year, chit chat at the sofa area in staff room haha... After that went supper with the MR boys, where we kept walking in circles... duh... and we made the two sec 2 boys hold hands... SO FUNNY....

CCA Selection/Fair.
This year's selection seems to make more sense. They view the CCAs, then make their choice. So we were able to match their interest to the CCAs as much as possible... Sad to say, only got around 15... even fewer chose dance... Strange... cos last year, there was a WHOLE crowd going to dance. Oh but after the fair, more people signed up! So now we got around 18. Yeah! Not too bad.

O level results.
The DAY we were all waiting for. In the morning, we were joking... Got half day? (Like last time in RSS, DHS and TJ, we have half day off if results were good. TJ even got a full day off once)
Anyway, it turns out, we should be glad that we won't asked to stay back EXTRA... Cos... results... sigh... There were Happy ones, she got what she expected, she's contented and jumping with joy. There were those who wanted better, though she didn't really 'need' the results cos she already got a place in a JC thru DSA. And of course there were those who got the results and suddenly just stared blank and sat down there quietly...

Well, too many times I've said the words 'I told you so'... I'm not referring to everyone... Admission exercise is over, what's left is to wait... everything will start from point zero again. By the end of poly/JC, NOBODY will care what you did for O levels. So please do not waste your time again. If you worked hard but didn't get what you wanted, then just keep trying... it was just not your time yet. You still have lots of chances to prove to people what you've got.

EPA Presentation.
I'm VERY SORRY that I clicked the powerpoint too fast... T.T... But you all like have nothing to say already then I dunno whether I'm suppose to just click slowly to let people see photos or click quickly so that you don't have to stand up there and stone. No telepathy haha... And that stupid laptop had to conk out just before the presentation, IN FRONT of the whole school (though the agreement was that I'm suppose to hide backstage and click the powerpoint.)
Anyway, it ended well, I'm trying to upload the video and powerpoint slide... will get it done asap.

The video is nice right! Actually the video long time finish le.... just that I had a hard time finding songs lor... The Korean songs HL gave me were all love love ones... accept one called 2gether 4ever by Shinhwa... but one hungry morning I heard something really funny in that song (if you know, you know haha...) The other 2 song actually i wanted to put one Eng one Chi... but then the Chinese one damn slow... urgh... so in the end still use Eng songs...

I'm always proud of my 'video making' skills haha... My sis say that the software is lousy... but well she is Multimedia Grad lor... Work in MediaCorp one... of course use advance stuff.... As for me, it was dummy proof enough...

:D 1/24/2009 10:13:00 PM

Thursday, January 01, 2009

I guess I won't be blogging for quite some time after today. Cos school starts TOMORROW!!!

2009 school year is going to be BBBBBUSY...
*Arts Nite,
*Overseas trip (oh this one I'll gladly be busy for)
*Preparing and teaching as usual (First time teaching N level classes... stress...)
*My god son preparing for O levels... I think I more gan jiong than him...
*New P, there'll be new things to get used to

As for personal life...
there's my 'gan jie's wedding! finally... she's going to be real pretty
and planning for my year-end hokkaido trip... HOKKAIDO here I come!!!
and I think I'm suppose to go China with my parents too... to visit our distant relatives

MOTTO for 2009
Eat Well Sleep Well Live Well
Work Hard Play Hard

I WANT to:
1. Have a LIFE!!! I need my life... So far it's been school, students and family for 99% of the time... but now since most of the students have been 'promoted' to friends, that % should decrease.
2. Slim down (hard and slow process... must perservere!!!)
3. Be Cheerful always and brighten up everyone's day
4. Be fair to my students and give them the respect and care they need.
5. Save Money

The time now is 2.55pm, School is starting in 16 hours and 25 minutes...

:D 1/01/2009 02:53:00 PM

How IMPORTANT are you?

Have you ever thought of how important you are to another person? The extent of how important you ARE, varies among all the people around you. The same goes for the importance of these people, TO you. This friend may not be important to you, or be able to influence/affect you in anyway. But YOU may be of the utmost importance to this same friend, and every thing YOU do, affects him or her greatly.

Have you ever hurt someone unknowingly? Or been hurt unintentionally by someone? It's really the problem of the difference in the level of importance you treat each other with. If this person is important to you, you'll never dream of wanting to hurt them.

As a teacher, I have to believe that I'm important to everbody. I have to practice what I preach, and tell myself that everything that I do in front of ANYONE, can affect them. Similarly, EVERYONE is important to me. So many times have I been struck by a simple sentence, which made my heart sinks.

Do you believe that your smile can brighten up someone's day and make them forget about all the unhappines that has accumulated in them? I do. There has been so many instances that I needed just to see someone I trust, or just a simple sms, to reassure myself that there's still people on my side. There're times that the wish is not fulfilled of course... and all I can do is to swallow my grievances... It's hard. I know.

So many times have I done so much, and not received any gratitude, or someone just says that nobody cares for them. It tells me that I'm not as important to you, as you are important to me.

Don't always think that you're the only one suffering. Don't always say that you're a nobody in people's eyes. Because when you say that, you're hurting the very person who's trying to help you, because you're important to this person.

Don't belittle your importance. Because you never know when you'll really need this person again, but has left you, because she thought that she's no longer needed in your life.

:D 1/01/2009 01:48:00 PM