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little eagle
Female, age unknown, loves BLUE
Plays piano, played bass clarinet
in school band
Loves Snoopy, Chip & Dale,
Bugs Bunny, Seven Dwarfs,
Forever Friends Bear,
Doggies and Piggies
Eats when stressed.
Loves chocolates and icecream
Gets paranoid easily.
Prone to clumsiness and getting




1. Go Tasmania
2. Go New Zealand
3. Have a dog
4. Learn driving (eventually)
5. Save more money (on-going)
6. Be Healthy (trying very hard)
7. Find someone and have a family
(trying :D)


1. Malacca with J21
2. Taipei!
3. Holiday lessons for Sec 5
4. Long overdue Clarinets outing!


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Monday, August 11, 2008

Last Friday was Beijing Olympics Opening...

I watched the opening ceremony on TV. It was so wonderful... full of antipation and wonder. It's like everything they're doing you'll be wondering how did they do it?

Then thinking of our NDP... hmmm...

And my dad actually told me that in China, they actually forecasted that there'll be a thunderstorm over the stadium, so they fired thousands of rockets at the dark clouds some miles away (the same clouds that will eventually reach the olympic stadium) and 'forced' the rain to fall. That's why it didn't rain at the stadium. Imagine the amount of money and effort the government and organising committee put in to ensure that the opening ceremony goes on smoothly with no flaws.

As for Saturday, our own country's birthday. Also rain, but the news made used of the rain to highlight the 'spirit' of Singapore. Well it's another way of looking at this rain issue. But on comparison, hmmm...

I think it's just our luck that our nation's birthday is after the day of olympics' opening. Considering the amount of preparation, manpower, money etc... there's almost nothing that we can match up. If you think our fireworks was good... Well, I agree it was, that's why my sis recorded it and i bothered to put it up here... but China invented fireworks... so... who's better?

NDP Preview Fireworks - lileagle

:D 8/11/2008 02:17:00 PM

Monday, August 04, 2008

I went to watch Batman yesterday...

It's rather good... Christian Bale was handsome... =P

But the funny thing is, when we thought the show is over, there's another climax coming up...

Cos that Joker kept on getting caught... So when he's caught we thought show over... but then he escape and create havoc again...

But overall not bad la...

Next wk long weekend AGAIN! I want to watch Mummy III. Yeah!

:D 8/04/2008 07:20:00 PM

Finally! A Long Weekend and a Short Week...

No school today cos Thanksgiving was on Sat... so today off in lieu... so I went to get my hair trimmed.

Anyway, Thanksgiving was... not as good as I wanted it to be... But we tried out best, that's for sure... just that well... there're many other factors involved.

Then there was lunch, not too bad, but I only heard from my colleague that the caterer who catered our lunch hit the headlines tat morning, causing food poisoning apparently... but looks like we're all fine... hehe...

Anyway, I went for the NDP preview that afternoon... We walked one big fat round before finding the actual entrance to the place...urgh... they sealed off so many roads, got us all confused. Don't want to be a spoiler, but it wasn't really that great. I went for another preview a few years ago at the national stadium, the atmosphere was really different.

Firstly, the construction site of the IR was really not so nice.

Then some one kept on playing with the sound system, and the speakers kept on changing volume, and balance of the music kept on changing...

Then, it was scorching hot, and one of the audience actually fainted.

Then, the bottle of water they provided in the pack was NEWater, as usual, which is a miserably SMALL bottle of water for that kind of weather.

The stage was big no doubt, but there're too many sections on the stage, and different 'sections' have different things happening, causing us to be very 'busy' turning our heads around, trying to see everything that's happening, afraid that we'll miss anything exciting.

There're still great performances for sure. The Parachuting was exciting, they actually dropped off straight from above and we could actually see them falling (by acceleration of free fall), which seems frightening fast. Wow.

And of course the 'Black Knights', the fighter plane display was exciting, the planes seem to be so much closer as compared to when I last saw them at the stadium.

The fireworks were great, I think there'll be even more on the actual day. My sis made a video of the fireworks. I shan't be a spoiler by putting it up now hehe... I'll put up after NDP for those who didn't see it.

Oh but the esplanade area were flooded with people waiting just to see the fireworks. They stood there since 4 pm i think... and the fireworks only started about 7 sumthing... what a long wait.

Oh yes... and I thought it'll be good experience for the choir to go for the combined schools choir at ndp... but next year got syf, arts nite, thanksgiving... a lot of things leh... maybe another year ba... still thinking...

:D 8/04/2008 07:02:00 PM