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little eagle
Female, age unknown, loves BLUE
Plays piano, played bass clarinet
in school band
Loves Snoopy, Chip & Dale,
Bugs Bunny, Seven Dwarfs,
Forever Friends Bear,
Doggies and Piggies
Eats when stressed.
Loves chocolates and icecream
Gets paranoid easily.
Prone to clumsiness and getting




1. Go Tasmania
2. Go New Zealand
3. Have a dog
4. Learn driving (eventually)
5. Save more money (on-going)
6. Be Healthy (trying very hard)
7. Find someone and have a family
(trying :D)


1. Malacca with J21
2. Taipei!
3. Holiday lessons for Sec 5
4. Long overdue Clarinets outing!


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Sunday, March 30, 2008

This week was both fantastic and disastrous. It's like I visited heaven and hell in the short span of a few days.

THURSDAY was cross-country. Then I went tampines with the sec 5s. I was totally regretting... haha... the place was flooded with students, and when they saw me at pasta mania, all were like... "treat me leh"... Then I told them I'm not your school's teacher... I'm your teacher's twin sister. Haha. Then the whole gang of us were laughing like crazy over the ultra lame joke. =P Being with students too much made me very lame sometimes... all influenced by them one... haha
Then we went arcade. I saw the pool table, and I was like asking... who's 16 already ah... we can go play pool... when out of a sudden I realised, all are Sec 5 already, means all 16 already! Duh... SY was like... We old already ok... not young anymore haha... After arcade, we went to take neo-prints... Again. Ya... go out with these ppl always go take new print one haha...

Then FRIDAY was terrible. I had a headache on Thursday night, didn't think much of eat, just took some panadol and went to bed as usual. But then early in the morning, I started to feel terrible. The heart was beating very fast, I was shivering with cold from inside out, and my stomach felt like there's a tornado inside. So when I woke up, I had a terrible encounter in the toilet. Dragged myself to school still, cos firstly, I couldn't sleep with that terrible headache, tornado in my stomach and heart pumping like a rock band. And also got two classes with double periods. Once I miss it's very hard to make up, and they're already behind other classes.

First two periods were horrible, my legs were weak, I could hardly lift my voice. I went in and pleaded with the class and asked them to be nice cos I'm feeling very bad. Good thing they were cooperative and behaved rather well. Other than at one point I did use a lot of effort to scream at some of them. Finally endured through the day, actually got contact time but asked for leave from VP and she kindly let me go home. Choir duty also asked my colleague to take over for me. So went around telling my student leaders that they have to make sure things go well cos I won't be around.

So I slept the entire afternoon at home, so much better at night. Must get well enough for high tea and karoake with my cousins the next day! My fren told me I better stay at home... but... high tea and karoake! My favourite pasttime next to mahjong! How can miss! So I slept early, but still endured until past 10pm cos got last episode of Ch55 hongkong drama and the next morning, YES! I feel good! I think...

But all went well yesterday... Went to the temple for 'QingMing' in the early afternoon, then went to Marriot hotel with my cousins for high tea. Initially I told myself I shouldn't eat the raw oysters cos they'll definitely create a war inside my tummy, but it turned out that the oyster 'crisis' was not settled, so the hotel didn't have oysters at all. Great. or else my sis will be tempting me. Then we went to international plaza for Karoake... Sang until 10pm haha... Yeah! Mission accomplished!!!

And therefore, TODAY, I shall be a good girl, stay at home, and finish setting my last exam paper. Ok. go set paper now... I think Friday was a sign... I shall be kind for the mid year exams this year. =D

:D 3/30/2008 01:53:00 PM

Saturday, March 15, 2008

GREAT. I literally 'nua' at home for the past few days. Did nothing related to marking and setting papers. Now have to rush over the weekend. Then my sis say tmr want to go watch Horton.

I practically crammed up my whole week, with facial, manipedi, meet my best fren for dinner, go gym... one after another, then there's choir on thurs n fri, went ikea with sis today. Other than that, like I said, I 'nua'ed at home, watch TV, VCD, play computer games. My mum was like, 'Hey, your holiday over soon hor?'. I said,"Yar... and I did nothing... Wow."

:D 3/15/2008 11:03:00 PM

Monday, March 10, 2008

For the first time ever!! I'm actually able to solve the rubiks cube! For the past 20over years of my life, I've been dismantling the whole cube and putting it back... haha...

Dunno why the sudden craze over the cube actually... I've not touched this toy for over 10 yrs I think. Last time I played with it (meaning dismantling and putting it back) was like when I was in Sec Sch? This cube thing, sort of 'reappeared' in my life last nov, when an ex-student kept on playing with it and was named the 'magic cube' boy because the instructor who wanted to call him didn't know his name and the boy was too engrossed with the cube.

Then this year, just before CNY, my colleague started confiscating from her class because they were playing during her lesson. At first was only one, then it became three... we used them to 'decorate' our cabinet partition for a while, until she sort of 'remembered' she wanted to return to the students. I also confiscated one from my class... the rest were smart enough to quickly keep theirs when they saw their fren's one being confiscated and I even explicitly warned them about that toy. Apparently it's now everywhere in the school. Dunno where the sudden craze came from... It's not like there's advertisement on TV or something...

I realised that students always don't 'remember' to claim back their confiscated items. Usually we confiscated and tell the students to come claim the item after school... but sometimes, they never come. Only handphones they SURE remember.... Things like calculators, stationary, storybooks are always 'unclaimed'. Well we say u don't come and claim, we're not going to bring it to class for you.

Like recently I confiscated a basketball. Usually, students will come and hog you every other day, or every time they're free to get their ball back. But this boy, strangely didn't ask at all. So I thought, should I be kind? Probably Sec 1 don't dare to hog teacher yet... Or I too fierce... Anyway... in the end I gave the ball back to the boy. It was taking up space under my table...

:D 3/10/2008 10:14:00 PM

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Went to the PC fair today... It was SOOOO crowded. I could hardly move!! This is TERRIBLE. It's like they're giving away PCs for free. The crowd starts all the way from city link mall... Imagine having to squeeze all the way from citylink to suntec... And sometimes the whole place is stuck like crazy and cannot even move. But we had to buy the PC for my dad, so die die also have to go in.

But the things are really cheap I think... Otherwise, people won't be wheeling the SONY Bravia TVs out the fair one after another... the TVs are just strapped to the trolleys, the type they give you when you buy printers? just that now the TV is much bigger compared to the trolley. Then the PSP and playstation all soldout. PSP only selling at $280!!... sob sob T-T... When I finally made up my mind again to buy the PSP, it's soldout... URGH... and so cheap somemore... AHHH!

Oh yes, my sis and I finally went to Raffles City and bought the J.Co Donuts. It's fantastic!! Better than the Munchies that the PSG bought for us. Not too sweet, as my cousin said, Krispy Creme is a little too sweet, but the donut melts in your mouth and not in your hand haha... Wonderful! MUST try!!.

:D 3/09/2008 10:33:00 PM

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Oh yes. Did I say my class won 'Good effort award' for the classroom deco? I was seriously amused. I think we won we cause we used a lot of recycled materials. like newspapers and the drink cans. And we also put the 'commitment' pieces of papers on the noticeboard. But the deco is falling apart anyway. The skyline is no-more. and the drink cans keep dropping... I didn't even bother to ask the class to put it back. Oh ya, and the mahjong paper backing actually collapsed the week before. The student's managed to pin it back though... But overall... it's falling apart... haha...

:D 3/08/2008 05:37:00 PM

FINALLY!! the first term is over. Holiday at last. But not much of a holiday... need to mark test paper, prepare lesson, and set exam paper... Oh no...

I told myself ten thousand times that my desk is far TOO messy, and I'll tidy it over the hols. I actually said that LAST year. U believe that I didn't even pack my table during last year's hols? Really dunno what I was doing. My colleague says I keep on mumbling to myself when I search for things on my table... and I'm doing that more and more often recently... For a few reasons I guess... I'm stressed, and I really can't find my things!! And the even best thing is I'm even occupying the empty table left behind by my ex-colleague that has transferred to another school. Great... Now I need to pack TWO tables instead of one.

Ok, last two days of the term ended with a 'bang'. More like the sound when I finally saw and landed on my bed last night when I reached home. Dead tired... Luckily got people to entertain me haha...

1st day was not too bad, I wasn't very much involved in the day activities, cos I'm not form teacher this year, and I'm not in charge of the activities on the first day. So lesson as usual, but had to go lab to prepare for the datalogging session for the next day. It rained rather badly, so they could only launch their PET rockets from the hall onto the quadrangle. Then at night went to Terminal 2 with H22 for night trail. Very friendly class. Rather well behaved too. Makes me think of Sec 2 camp with my form class last year. Rather enjoyed it too, though tired. My class was quite fun. I still remember a lot of teachers come and tell me my class very good, even their teachers now say they're very 'well-trained'. So proud of them... but they still got a lot of scolding from me in Sec 2. Apparently to them, Tuesday is my 'ANGRY' day.

Anyway, 2nd day was the datalogging workshop, morning F23 and afternoon F22. As I told my colleague, it was the first time since beginning of the year that I'm glad that F23 is my Sci class. So well behaved yesterday... totally different from the other lab sessions they had before. Maybe because it's something different so they're more interested. But they say the rocket making on the first day not fun. Strange leh... every year the students say fun.. dunno what's wrong with this class... hmmm... Then I ask them what they think is more fun, they tell me PSP... Sigh... this kids really dunno how to enjoy childhood.

J21 went to Snow City in the morning, where they had ice-cream making workshop and play with snow. And they got CHOCOLATE ICECREAM!! Last year we only got artificial flavouring lor... Their teacher told me the class totally enjoyed themselves that they 'forgot to be naughty'. He even suggested that all the classes should have go for the trip, as the class really bonded together as a family after that. Yes Yes agree... Shall put up for AAR... then my form class can go next year hahaha...

:D 3/08/2008 04:37:00 PM