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little eagle
Female, age unknown, loves BLUE
Plays piano, played bass clarinet
in school band
Loves Snoopy, Chip & Dale,
Bugs Bunny, Seven Dwarfs,
Forever Friends Bear,
Doggies and Piggies
Eats when stressed.
Loves chocolates and icecream
Gets paranoid easily.
Prone to clumsiness and getting




1. Go Tasmania
2. Go New Zealand
3. Have a dog
4. Learn driving (eventually)
5. Save more money (on-going)
6. Be Healthy (trying very hard)
7. Find someone and have a family
(trying :D)


1. Malacca with J21
2. Taipei!
3. Holiday lessons for Sec 5
4. Long overdue Clarinets outing!


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Friday, December 15, 2006

Hmmm... How come everyone is saying I'm going crazy... Thanks for all your concern... I'm still very much sane. You won't see me in Woodbridge anytime within the next 10 years at least.

Went Ikea last thursday... It is soooo huge but soooo crowded... I queue for 45 mins to get my food at the cafe... not hungry also hungry already.

Kuishin bo lunch on Sunday was enjoyable... though the food wasn't that up to standard anymore. But my Uni frens can hardly get to meet up anymore. Either there's no one with time to organise, or there're so many of us who can't make it. Maybe last time we used to meet every week for practices, and we got used to it. Now it's been such a long time since we were able to get 'full' attendance at our gatherings. But CNY coming... our annual steamboat dinner is a tradition that cannot be missed... yeah!

I finally got all the photos for the Cambodia trip... and the photo of my nice nice mural... yeah!

Mural at the kindergarden playground.

Team photo with this year's Pri 4 class... My favourite class... =P

The same class... Last year when they were Pri 3... =D

My friend says I'm crazy over little children... Always suan me... 'How come you're so close to your students now? How come I don't remember being so close to a teacher when I was in secondary school?'. My family also... don't be so close to your students... you'll get yourself into trouble. I can only say... well, times are different... It's no long the time where we can just use the cane and solve the problem. Although I very much would like that to be possible sometimes. And teenagers hate nagging... how I know? cos I am not far from being a teenager 'once'... I can tell u i still have to 'adolescence temper' when I'm at home.

I know what things will get me into trouble and what would not. And if I really get into trouble, I deserve it. No need to hide. But many have told me not to get too 'emotionally attached' to the students. Cos they come and go, while we'll stay. It can never remain the same. True... I agree. But through the years of growing up, I've seen friends come and go... I really believe in fate. If it's meant to be, the bond will remain. If' it's not, means they have moved on and so, I'll do the same.

Well, my first batch of students have graduated. I'll sure miss them. Their cranky jokes, their mischief, the way they like to 'suan' me sometimes also... sometimes treating me like a little girl, sometimes like a friend, sometimes like a big sister. I'll sure miss my sources of gossips too... cos so many came from them.... Now I need to look for other gossip resources...

:D 12/15/2006 02:09:00 PM

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Spent my whole morning watching Asian Games. The problem with the telecast is that they always focus on the matches with Singapore taking part in. But they don't play well at all and the whole match is so boring. I spent half an hour watching a Singapore against Thailand Badminton match. No smacking... boring... It just looks like our kids playing badminton in the school hall. I think some of our kids can put up a better show than that.

And then they show beach volleyball. Another boring sport. U just see four gals in bikini running around hitting the volleyball and falling down on the sand. boring...

Ok swimming is more exciting. China and Japan are the main groups fighting for the Gold. Saw a relay where China was ahead all the while utill the last 10m the Japan caught up and got the gold medal. Not much expectations for Singapore. As long as they don't come in last. But then our news kept on emphasizing on breaking the 'National' record. Duh... like no news to report.

After that went out to collect the choir scores from tempest. die die must spend more of this year's budget or else go to waste. Then had to bring the scores and invoice back to school and submit the invoice. Yeah... manage to spend more money... hahaha

Then thought... might as well do some stock taking. Regret lah... had to go through those 'once termite infested' scores... Urgh... Must think of a way to clean those scores and keep them properly... they can't stay in the A4 paper box forever... But I kept the new ones in my cupboard... safer... cleaner...

:D 12/06/2006 11:44:00 PM

Friday, December 01, 2006

Went to watch Happy Feet with sis on Wednesday. Cute movie... with penguins doing tap dancing haha... the baby penquins are soooo cute! but some parts a bit draggy...

Then yesterday went to watch Casino Royale with students. Got so pissed off when we entered the cinema... cos some other students took our seats... They don't even know where they're seating.. Think they got their tickets all mixed up... They were already making themselves comfortable at our seats... Then when I asked them to leave... they said 'oh we're from the school of the blind'.... What a thing to say! So I starred at the guy and told him that it's not funny. and told him to check his seat number before he goes around sitting anywhere and everywhere.

Anyway... The new James Bond not very handsome... a bit fat also. Dunno y got so many scenes of him not wearing shirt when he doesn't even have six pacs....The movie is quite exciting lah.. It's like about the origins of James Bond.... just short of the usual gadgets that James Bond has. But the car is still cool. Then when he crashed the car every one in the theatre was like 'oh no'... But I think he never brought back a car in one piece anyway... Movie a bit draggy also.. Too much shots of 'I look at you, you look at me' type... Why all the movies I see are draggy? maybe i'm becoming a bit unpatient...

Then the boys are so horny... with us girls kicking them from the back and the people around them starring at them... then can still give all those stupid remarks. But well, teenagers... adolescence... hormonal rage...

:D 12/01/2006 12:11:00 PM