Two long weekends. Last week had one, and now another. How wonderful!
Last week was our school's Thanksgiving. So we had a Monday off... Long weekend!
Watched the long anticipated Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince on Saturday after Thanksgiving with my family. Story line not fantastic, but the effects were good. .
And where do you think a family of four, parents and two daughters with the younger one in mid-twenties can go on a Sunday?
Clue: Famous tourist attraction, found in northwestern part of Singapore, Internationally renowned.
The ZOO! Ok the last time I went was actually in March this year, for our school's Sec 2 Subject Camp. But I was stationed at the Polar Bear for the whole day, cos I asked my colleague to give me a sheltered place hehe... so I didn't get to walk around. And the even more previous time I went was as one of the field trips in my modules in NUS, and that's like 5 years ago? As a family, I think it's at least 15 years ago.

Me and the 'otter family'

The otters are REALLY cute. No wonder they put them near the entrance. The moment they see people coming, they start running in all directions.

Cant remember what monkey this is. Not orang utan or chimpanzee. Anyway, it's a real show-off. The moment it saw a lot of people walking pass, it just kept on swing to and fro the hanging branches with all sorts of stunts.

My family and the parrots. I think I took pictures with their ancestors when I was... erm... 6?

Chimpanzees: Do you know that they are 99% genetically identical to human beings? They are our closest relative in the animal kingdom. So that 1% difference in DNA, actually made us able to walk upright, talk, NOT have hair all over our body... blah x3
Great is the Wonder of DNA.

Ah Meng Memorial. I thought a Memorial was going to be a gallery with her life story and pictures of her with tourists...

White tiger... Is this the one that killed the worker few months ago? Anyway, this one just kept on walking left and right... Is it wondering who is more delicious to eat? Anyway, the tiger show in Dreamland Australia was much more spectacular.

Elephants! My favourite animal. Gentle giants that carry heavy weights. In my opinion, one of the rare animals that are HUGE and CUTE.