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little eagle
Female, age unknown, loves BLUE
Plays piano, played bass clarinet
in school band
Loves Snoopy, Chip & Dale,
Bugs Bunny, Seven Dwarfs,
Forever Friends Bear,
Doggies and Piggies
Eats when stressed.
Loves chocolates and icecream
Gets paranoid easily.
Prone to clumsiness and getting




1. Go Tasmania
2. Go New Zealand
3. Have a dog
4. Learn driving (eventually)
5. Save more money (on-going)
6. Be Healthy (trying very hard)
7. Find someone and have a family
(trying :D)


1. Malacca with J21
2. Taipei!
3. Holiday lessons for Sec 5
4. Long overdue Clarinets outing!


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Monday, December 22, 2008

My Choir Alumni came back today... I really missed them... I think I had two years of really good and easy time, having committee members who can auto-run, having minds that really click that we can complement each other on the spot. Their enthusiasm and hyper-ness has really pulled me through hard times, and gave me the passion to drive myself to give all out to these ppl. I made it a point to make them cry during their ROD. Didn't succeed the first year, but the second batch was a success. I know they'll miss the choir as much as I'll miss them. Even now, when I'm feeling lifeless or drained out, I'll watch the videos I did for them to recharge myself.

When my first batch of students left, I managed to convince myself that students come and go, they get on in life, I'll get on too. And it's not that I'll never see them again. I got over it. I still see them once in a while, and I'm satisfied.

Next year, the students who are closest to me won't be coming back. Some have joked about how I'll miss them when they're not around. Indeed, I have thought about that. It will not be the same, that's for sure. I WILL miss them. No more hugs, no more teasing and jokes, no more hi's along the corridor, no more 'niang' and 'mum' (except one), no more complains, no more funny stories that happen in class, no more shoulder massage... and the list goes on.

So I guess a big portion of my life in school is going to be missing... They won't be missing from my life, that's for sure... just missing from school life... which is already quite a huge missing piece. Seriously, I don't know how it'll be without u ppl. Next year is a busy year... With my ready made cheerleaders and listening ears gone... There have been instance that I feel that I'm losing passion and drive. I'm trying very hard to find it back. I cant even imagine the day that teaching is not part of my life. I've never thought of that at all... not even once...

I'll fill up the missing parts... somehow... hopefully not with more work. But I think they'll be around... just hope that I can find them easily...

But I promised that when they're old enough, go out to work and have enough money, I'll bring them overseas... I know that's a lot of conditions to fulfil... but going overseas need money ah...
and I want them to be old enough, so I won't feel like bringing little children ard.

Anyway, I heard this song in Tampines today. Don't know where it came from, whether it was played from a shop, thru radio or cd, or just suddenly came to my mind. I remembered this was the song my batch sang during Grad Nite for our band seniors, when we were in Sec 3.
Lovely song... for all my graduating students


作词:刘虞瑞 作曲:陈大力.陈秀男 编曲:RickyHo 演唱:小虎队




:D 12/22/2008 10:51:00 PM

Monday, December 08, 2008

:D 12/08/2008 11:39:00 PM

Wonderful Times will never be forgotten...

Before the trip, I had many expectations. I knew it was going to be a fun trip, considering I have 5 choir girls in the trip (I'm so proud haha... out of 17 EPA, 5 are from choir HAHAHA), I probably know at least half of them, and I'm sharing room with my goddaughter.

But the trip wasn't just fun. It was AWESOME and definitely unforgettable. From the first chilling wind of Seoul the moment we stepped out of airport, to being amazed by the technology of Hyundai Motors, to the once in a lifetime, n**** and going to a hotspring with female students, to my first ever Viking ride, and my now still painful backside from my unsuccessful attempts of skiing down the slope. Not forgetting learning about the historical background of the ties btn N & S Korea, their fight for independence, and their efforts to preserve their heritage. The itinerary was really well planned... 3 cheers to my colleague, and the tour guide who was like a father and fed us well.... BUT, the company was even better. =P

Special thanks to my dear goddaughter, who accompanied me almost everywhere, and did almost everything with me, being the casualty no. 1, who refuse to admit that she's cold until she's terribly freezing, making me so angry because she wouldn't listen but at the same time so worried that I couldn't bring myself to scold her. My choir girls who are forever bubbly and cheering me on, crazy about korean drama and culture, the casualty no.2 who first injured her knee at the ski resort and then tried to run through a string between two poles and fell 'gracefully' onto the pavement, and ALL who sang so beautifully during the trip, further assuring me that my efforts in the choir are not wasted.

The rest of the girls whom I do not know well before the trip, but have definitely sent warmth in the cold weather and brought joy around me, saying kind words when you know that I'm not feeling well after that Viking, wanting the same photo to be taken in every camera even though it's the digital era and the photos can be shared online, and taking pictures of everything around you, starting from scenary to individual to group to specific people, not forgetting the one who keeps saying she's pretty in every picture, afraid that any extra accessory will make her look less pretty and loves everything that's white.

Not forgetting the boys, for being around all the time, to help everybody around, including carrying my bag even though you may not be feeling that well too, blocking the wind even when you are already very cold, entertaining everyone around (even though I keep saying I don't know you, but I was still greatly amused), buying every other thing that you see other people want to buy (which makes me laugh all the time), pulling me away from oncoming traffic when I wasn't paying attention, carrying our luggage up and down the bus, and very importantly finishing the food that we can't finish...

Thank You.

May your life after secondary school be as fulfilling and exciting as this trip. And remember, even when it's cold out there, just remember this trip, cos wherever you are, there'll always be people around who will give you the WARMTH that you need.

:D 12/08/2008 09:20:00 PM

Korean Experience Part I

Day 1:

First step out of the airport, the chill went all the way into the bones... That was just around 10oC. Basically I obviously don't know how 10 or 0 or even -10 oC felt like before I landed in Korea. But after a while, it seemed not too bad.. it just feels like some very cold aircon... first hiccup happened when one of the girl's luggage got carried onto another coach, luckily discovered in time, and dear my goddaughter almost left our luggage behind...

First stop, Dongdaemun Market. Or was it dinner first? Whatever... The only thing I could think of is 'COLD'... and some of the students were like, 'Not cold... Where got cold? I scared hot not scared cold'... Well, they haven't seen the worst.

In Seoul, we stayed at Stay 7 Residences.. it's a 1.5 storey room, twin sharing, one sleeps upstairs and the other downstairs. I was afraid of heights, so I asked my girl to sleep upstairs... But I didn't expect her to knock her head that night, and then once again in one of the restaurants the following day. So when we got back to the same hotel on the 4th day, I insisted that I slept upstairs.

We went to the convenience store to buy food cos the boys were still hungry, they wanted to buy instant noodles, and then, they saw Baskin Robbins, which became a very strong magnet and attracted all of us there. So they bought ice cream to eat, at about 8 oC, one of them even wearing slippers. I told them what's the hurry? Eat on the last day la... My treat... Ya.. me and my big mouth haha... Oh on the last night Seoul when I treated them to icecream fondue, it was -8oC. The boys went to eat out in the open, without gloves... They were shivering to bring the spoons into their mouths...

Day 2:

The next day we went to the Independence Hall of Korea. We learnt about history and war, their development and so on. That was where I realised, these kids can really take their own sweet time... sigh... a group of 22 ppl can stretch for like 200 metres apart.

After that that was Hyundai Motors Factory. To describe in one word... WOW... It's almost fully dependent on robots which are highly intelligent and specific to the smallest drill holes on the car. The place where there're the most workers and the finally assembly line, in which each segment has to finish their work on the car in 57 seconds (I was thinking why not just make it one min? 57 is so troublesome to count)... It makes me want to learn driving and buy a car haha...

Hot Spring haha... We're not suppose to wear anything... So it's a once in a lifetime with students haha... the place looks like a hugh bathhouse... We didn't dare go into the hottest one, but I made the girls try the cold one.. I like it... but they couldn't stand the cold.

:D 12/08/2008 07:10:00 PM

Korean Experience Part II

Day 3:

Everland Theme Park... Is the place where the sick will recover... b4 getting off the bus, my colleague warned the students who are not feeling well to not play the 'over-exciting' rides. But I commented that, when there're things to play, they'll recover from whatever sickness they have. True enough, we asked the boy who had fever the previous night... He's all ready to play...

I love roller coasters... But I hate Vikings... and I was half carried and half pushed onto the Viking... As I expected, I went all giddy and wobbly... I hate that... I lost my appetite for lunch... But it gave me the chance to ask for nicer treatment and the boys helped me carry my bag... =P And guess how I recovered? Another roller coaster ride does it!

Skiing... URGH... my success rate is barely 20%... Worse than my Time Crisis accuracy...
Out of the five times that I tried skiing down the slope, I only succeeded once, and it was the shortest one... I think I'm lousy when my own feet are not touching the floor. Just like rollerblading... urgh...

Day 4:

Nxt day we went to the Digital Pavilion, where you can imagine everything and anything become 'virtual' in front of your eyes.

Then our guide brought us to the World Cup Stadium... It wasn't in the itinerary, but he paid for our entrance fees. Where the students went crazy... and I was like... ok... stadium lor... But that's where I bought the stamps of the Olympics in Korea in 1987... I love stamps... YEAH!

Then we went to the DMZ, the border between N & S Korea. Very strict security, where they have to check our passports, and we can only take pictures behind the yellow line... Then we went down the 3rd tunnel... discovered in 1978... It's a NE Journey cum workout session. Halfway down the slope, I wanted to go back but I still went on to the end... at the bottom of the slope there's still another long tunnel, and the boys' safety helmet kept on hitting the ceiling cos it's low and they had to bend their necks haha... That's when the girls including me start talking about the benefits of being short. =P As expected, the walk upwards was exhausting... by the time I reached the top, I have half a life left... I was sweating even though it was very cold outside...

Then we went to Kimchi school! We had to pay for the session cos it wasn't in our itinerary. But it was all worth it. We made our very own very small Kimchi. Then we could wear the traditional Korean Costume and take as many pictures as we want! My sis said I looked slim in the costume... Ya... cos the costume is meant to be very loose. Oh we took numerous pictures. While the girls had many different colours to our costumes, the boys all had the same ones. They became the background that all the girls wanted to take pictures with.

:D 12/08/2008 06:46:00 PM

Korean Experience Part III

Day 5:

Today is THE day. It's -8oC, and the wind is FREEZING cold. But miraculously, I survived the day safe and sound. I was totally amazed by my limits. I thought I would be the one down with flu or shivering with cold... But I didn't. A few things I realised though...

1. Hoping around when you're cold doesn't help. Cos the more you jump, the more you pant, and then the more deep breaths you'll take in, and the air is COLD, which makes you EVEN colder!

2. It's best to have minimal movements. Cos it conserves your energy and therefore maintains your body heat. The heart will beat faster to generate more heat and then the body slowly heats up. That's why I walk slowly and keep quiet haha... At first it's because I'm tired... Then I realised it helps in keeping warm!

3. Last of all, my cousin was very right. Ears, Hands and Feet... Most important part of the body. Keep them warm, that's half the job done. So, I was a good girl cos I listened to instructions.

So, today we went to the Folklore Museum and the Gyeongbok Palace. We could hardly concentrate on what the guide was saying, cos everybody was busy trying to keep warm. I must salute the guide. He only had a coat. No gloves, no hat. WOW... I would have frozen... It's unimaginable. Then my girl became almost frozen, that we had to half carry her onto the bus. I tried asking the guide whether we could go back to the hotel to get her some more layers of clothing... but he said we're very far from our hotel...

We also went to a Duty free Face Shop outlet... I think we totally amazed the tour guide... He said it was really an experience for him... haha... the way we girls AND boys shop hahaha... young and old, girls and boys all buy a lot of things...

Then we went shopping at Myeongdong shopping street... It was so damn cold, that I kept asking my goddaughter whether she's cold and kept on making her go into the shops cos there're heaters in the shop. Nearer the end of the street, when we said we'll turn back, and that's where I saw Krispy Kreme!!! And I was like running towards it... It's like warmth and hope in the cold haha... Then when they gave the free donut as usual... Mmmmmm.... Heavenly...

Then at night we went back to Baskin Robbins to eat our chocolate fondue and icecream. Didn't stay long outside cos it was cold, so we went back to pack cos we'll check out the next morning. Helped two students squeeze their stuff into their luggage... I'm amazed at myself too... the way I stuffed their things for them... My mum and sis are even better... but I think my skills are good enough for those kids haha... Then almost everyone came to our room, saying they want to stay up the whole night playing card and chatting... but well, too tired la... as expected they couldn't last, went back to sleep at around 4am.

Day 6:

The next morning, I made sure my daughter was well wrapped up with any extra woolen clothing, woolen socks and stockings that I have (of which she has none of the above). So she's well wrapped like a dumpling before we went off for lunch. Our bus couldn't start after lunch... So my choir girls started singing haha... then it went on to worship songs and on and on, and I took many videos of them singing... We were supposed to go the the first Methodist Church in Seoul... but because after waiting for an hour or so, the bus still wouldn't start, so we took a walk to the 'Ladies Street' instead, and did the last bit of shopping.

We had to change bus, but the new bus was so bumpy that I felt nauseous within like 5 minutes. So silly... with the other bus, nothing happen for 2 hour bus rides, but with this new one, 5 min I KO. So I didn't get off the bus when they reached the church. I think some didn't even know I was sick... Most thought I was too fast asleep or too cold or too lazy to get off...

Whatever it is, I survived the trip to the airport, where we stopped at a supermarket to buy all the local goodies and spent the last of the money. When we reached the airport, that's where the exciting part starts... The moment we passed the customs, we had to RUN to the train and the RUN to our boarding gate... WHY? Because our bus broke down and so we were late... Imagine running with all the winter clothing still on inside the airport which has the heater on...

The moment we boarded the plane, we started to take off layers and layers of clothes... Too hot la... Cannot stand it... After take off, one of the boys fell sick... I think he felt so terrible that he was totally curling up... Must have caught a cold after the running and sweating...

The journey home was so long... when we touched down, I was so happy... finally... Positive, Double digit temperature... WARMTH!! HOME!! Finally. Went to buy liquor for a friend... First time buy liquor lor... Felt so 'SUAKU'... Luckily my girl tell me to buy the cheaper one... otherwise I would have bought the $100+ one... which I think my fren has no money to pay me.

Even before go home still go problem. One boy left his Krispy Kreme donuts under his seat. Sigh... Duo1 Zai1 Duo1 Nan4... So went to lost and found... Eventually got back his donuts after almost an hour... with only 4 out of the 6 left. I told him should have scolded the person, but he said he no strength le... The cleaners or crew must have found it, thought nobody wants it so started eating already... Should have told them to pay up.

Finally... My journey is over...

Sorry lah... I know I don't blog often and wheneve I update, it's an extremely long essay. =P

:D 12/08/2008 06:30:00 PM

Cambodia Revisited

Yes. I went Cambodia AGAIN. The 3RD time. And I told myself, unless I'm bring my children here, I'm not going back there again haha...

Imagine visiting the same thing for a second time. Well ok, the people are different. Last two times was with students, this time with family. The food is different for sure, we were very well fed, and my mum kept on thinking that we're going to like 'starve' or eat very simple food there cos the country is poor. Every meal like has 8 dishes plus one soup (at least), and not forgetting the numerous buffets that we had.

My family at the palace of the Cambodian king

Didn't take much pictures, cos the previous trip I took plenty. The problem was that the previous trip I didn't really listen to the guide when we went to Angkor Wat, cos a few and I wandered off on our own. So basically Angkor Wat has three layers, representing hell, earth and heaven. And the place that I climbed so bravely three years ago, was actually the 'heaven' level. However, It's now cordoned off, and we can't access the 'heaven' level now. Pity... It seems that they're not going to open it anymore... they want to preserve the place.

:D 12/08/2008 04:14:00 PM