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little eagle
Female, age unknown, loves BLUE
Plays piano, played bass clarinet
in school band
Loves Snoopy, Chip & Dale,
Bugs Bunny, Seven Dwarfs,
Forever Friends Bear,
Doggies and Piggies
Eats when stressed.
Loves chocolates and icecream
Gets paranoid easily.
Prone to clumsiness and getting




1. Go Tasmania
2. Go New Zealand
3. Have a dog
4. Learn driving (eventually)
5. Save more money (on-going)
6. Be Healthy (trying very hard)
7. Find someone and have a family
(trying :D)


1. Malacca with J21
2. Taipei!
3. Holiday lessons for Sec 5
4. Long overdue Clarinets outing!


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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Term started fine, with loads of things to do as usual.

Term 3 is always busy. lots of events. Choir as usual, practices until 6 sumthing, in preparation for a performance at Parkway and thanksgiving.

And it's also the time when graduating students get frantic. So many looking for teachers for 'extra tuition'.

I also received some terrible news...

Had a terrible rehearsal that almost made my brain explode...

Anyway, the Parkway performance was made known to the alumni, thru the blog and all the contacts the students had. It was also announced to the school and teachers! So on that day, the response was overwhelming. So many students, alumni, even teachers. We even have people cheering for us when the choir went on stage.

Girl: 'Wow, very scary leh... so many people'.
I: 'But concert hall even more!'
Girl: 'But concert hall cannot see!'
I: '...'

Anyway, the choir was great, though the stage was small, a little squeeze to put all of them into the 'boundary', and the microphones kept on 'feeding back', all went well. It was actually raining dogs and cats before our item. But it stopped just in time for the crowd to gather around and view our performance. YEAH!

Oh I went to watch RED CLIFF. It was GREAT!! Anyway any movie with tony leung in it is a fantastic movie. MUST WATCH.

I went for a Workshop last thurs and fri. I had to wake up at 5.30AM! Travelling time is almost 2 hours. And all I could take home is a huge grey file, and something about 'BIG IDEAS' and that Learning Science by Inquiry needs MONEY.

Seriously couldn't understand the part on 'assessment and evaluation'. I was totally confused and kept on asking my colleague what the speaker is talking about.

And through tat two days, I also discovered something. Boon Lay interchange is terrible. It has SWARMS of people moving in AND out of that place. I had to queue like 3 minutes before I could squueze my way to get from the train door to the escalator.

:D 7/29/2008 09:50:00 AM

Saturday, July 26, 2008

It's been ages since I posted anything here... people around are seeing me and saying... hello... can you go update your blog? it's dead...

ok ok... and so here I am.

So many things happened since I last blogged...

June Hols.

Hols is the time we meet up with friends and students/ex-students.
I had lunch with my choir ex-comm, though they made me wait very long haha... but I still enjoyed the lunch. Too bad we forgot to take pictures.

Then one monday a friend called to say 'hey i'm at tampines! want to go makan?' And at that point of time, I was having lunch at citylink mall, on my way to the book fair. I'm not rooted in tampines with nowhere to go la... Another time ba...

Then there was F41 BBQ again. It's always great to see them. And it's at a different place every year... They go house hopping i guess. Though this time round a lot of people 'suddenly' could not make it. I finally made my promise to make them a cheesecake for dessert.

Then there's chalet with the usual gang, we have that almost every year every hols.

Then the hols ended with a bang, which was my sec sch fren's wedding. One of my closer frens in sec sch, though didn't really maintain contact for quite some time. But it was so great to see him, and all the rest of the people from my band! My teacher in charge too! We were like, hey you changed so much! and well, you look the same as you were 10 years ago... And one of my friends was also the 'highlight' cos he's taking part in superband.

We went for a drink after the dinner, chatted for quite some time. The good old days sort of flashed back bit by bit. Now suddenly everybody is adding everybody to facebook.

Well, Hols is also a time to fall sick! =(

I fell terribly ill this hols, fever for almost a week, my nose, throat, lungs and head all declared war at the same time. This whole ordeal lasted for about 2.5 weeks, and after I recovered, I'm back to school! What 'GREAT' timing my body has ya?

:D 7/26/2008 09:28:00 AM