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little eagle
Female, age unknown, loves BLUE
Plays piano, played bass clarinet
in school band
Loves Snoopy, Chip & Dale,
Bugs Bunny, Seven Dwarfs,
Forever Friends Bear,
Doggies and Piggies
Eats when stressed.
Loves chocolates and icecream
Gets paranoid easily.
Prone to clumsiness and getting




1. Go Tasmania
2. Go New Zealand
3. Have a dog
4. Learn driving (eventually)
5. Save more money (on-going)
6. Be Healthy (trying very hard)
7. Find someone and have a family
(trying :D)


1. Malacca with J21
2. Taipei!
3. Holiday lessons for Sec 5
4. Long overdue Clarinets outing!


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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Godmother aey? I think I'm not much of a use sometimes... After results released, so far only two told me their results on their own accord. The rest... never say anything... Good or bad also never say. Then I scared I ask they'll be even more upset. Some can ask straight... usually the boys. but some... I'm at a lost...

Very stupid ah? I always use waiting strategy. If you want to tell me you'll tell me. If you don't want to tell me I'll wait until you're willing to tell me. I can still give you a hug even if you don't wish to tell me anything. If you want to cry, I can lend you my shoulder and I won't ask a single question if you don't want me to. Please don't hide yourself in a corner. It pains to see you like this... especially there're so many people around who wants to care for you.

:D 5/18/2008 12:59:00 PM

I should explain why was I so free...

Because this year... My exam papers came in so late. Exams started on 7th... and my papers only come in on ther 13th and 14th... So by 12th, which was monday... I had this feeling that I'm the only teacher left in the staffroom with no papers to mark. (which I later found out that there's another colleague with the same situation, so I'm one of the TWO). Everybody else in the staffroom was busy marking and I'm sitting around doing nothing, watching drama online, packing my files. Then I got so sian that I went to throw things from my department cupboard, which was something that needed to be done ages ago but I was just too lazy. It's like it became I'm so 'eager' to mark exam papers, so free that I was begging for things to do... URGH...

My marking comes in so late... and it's not like I got less things to mark ok... It's the same load for everyone... but other people's one start earlier but mine starts later... My department always gets the last bit. Ok Art and HE and DT even later la. But SC is massive! We always rush and always meet deadline la... tat's why they still put us at the end. Now tuesday morning have to key in marks... have to go lesson somemore... hopefully got enough time. Then after checking of scripts, must make changes in marks if any... but then afternoon got project work presentation how to change marks? I also dunno... SPLIT lor... like my colleague says I seem quite capable of spliting myself up when necessary.

I finished marking now of course... my colleague says I seem to mark very fast. Of course la... I rush marking in school and then rush marking at home until 11 plus... I seriously don't want to carry that FOUR huge piles of sec 2 papers back home, on top of the sec 3 papers. I die die also finish the sec 2 by friday and then bring home the sec 3 papers. This is called strategic planning... Finish more during the weekdays, and bring less home during weekends. Then you'll have more time to play during the weekends... Which is what I'm going to do for the next two days! YEAH

:D 5/18/2008 12:42:00 PM

Monday, May 12, 2008

11th May 2008: Mother's Day.

A day on which all mothers celebrate their motherhood. I'm not a mother, obviously. Though I hope to be come one in future, but I happen to be a godmother. 8 in total... including 2 new ones 'owned' recently while the rest were for two years already. But not all are brothers or sisters of each other... Complicated aey? Anyway, none wished me happy mother's day last year... Not complaining lah... It just felt strange when this year 3 of them wished me happy mother's day.

Sometimes I wonder what I've done to become a 'mother' of these 8 kids. If I recall, I didn't make them my godchildren... They were the ones who 'appointed' me their godmother... I think it's because I'm naggy and I'm always concerned about every detail happening around them... Ya.. like all mothers do haha...

Wonder how long will my 'godmothership' last. Forever? So in future when I have my own children, I'm suppose to introduce this ppl as their brother and sisters? hmmm... and when these kids eventually get married, do I get to drink tea at the tea ceremony? So after they get married, are they suppose to give angbao to my children?

OK... Miss Ng... you're thinking too far... YA... too free is lidat one... Anyway... it's just for fun now I think... I more of like big sister la. I always wanted a little brother or little sister... So I guess I fulfiled my wish with loads of 'gan er zi' and 'gan nu er'...

:D 5/12/2008 12:20:00 PM

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Oh yes... and HOW on earth do you change the blog skin? I spend the whole morning trying do it then it turned out like rubbish... URGH... I think I'm a dummy when it comes to such things... I'm going to get someone to do it for me after exams... URGH

:D 5/03/2008 04:05:00 PM

Ok... I know I don't update my blog often ... then everytime write something, it's massive haha. No choice la... sometimes lazy... then when I feel like typing, I just throw everything out at one go haha...

First, Choir ROD. Made the longest video ever for the Sec 4s, and successfully made them cry haha. First time we had buffet! We used the money from last year's concert. And from there I realised that one of the girls was sooo greedy!!! haha... When I said can 'da bao'... Wah... she take and take and take... But no one else was taking already lah... So she continue taking haha... I was greatly amused hahaha..

The sec 4s still had to go for remedials, so they only came in at 4.30. The rest of the choir were waiting for them in the music room. Someone once said that my choir really knows how to buy presents for me. True enough. First there was the biscuit (story behind pls refer to previous blogs =D), then there was that HUGE Pooh Bear cushion that occupies almost the entire chair in the staffroom now. So when HL came in holding that HUGE Chip, my eyes almost popped out haha...

Anyway, it was wonderful. I'll really miss this batch of students. They really left behind fond memories. And what is most comforting about this batch, is that the leaders, esp my chairman, is independent, and they seem to know me so well that they can anticipate my instructions and even get the choir prepared before that. I really hope that this experience that they go through in choir will really do them good in their future ventures.

Exams for Sec 4 and 5s are here finally. Next week, it'll be the sec 1-3. So all these classes are doing revision now. H31B most gan jiong one haha... Good.. at least some students are motivated. The worst thing that can happen to a student is to lose motivation in studies. My godson became motivated in studying suddenly. It's definitely a good thing, and I'm happy for him. But I just feel weird.. not knowing where that suddenly motivation came from. But since you say you're fine, I'll trust you.

Oh I went for my promotion ceremony on Monday. Met a whole lot of ex-schoolmates. I had a friend from uni who's also teaching... and he's in DHS! Sigh... I'm still thinking... really want to go back there... but GM seems fine now... wasn't tat good last year though. But the colleagues are nice and I'm given more opportunities now... I think... And all my close students are leaving... Hopefully will still have one left next year... I'll be at such a loss next year.

Went for dinner with ex-NIE classmates... ALL my NIE classmates are getting married or planning to get married... And I 'failed' the 'assignment' my fren gave me to find a 'boyfriend' haha... Sigh... even my uni friends are like attached, getting married, pregnant... Sigh... when on earth am I going to move on to the next stage of my life? I think the problem lies in me lah... I know... I hardly go out to meet new friends or go for social activities... I always go out with my sis (which is also why my sis is ALSO single)... otherwise I go out with my students (which is obviously not the type of 'social activity' that I need)... The whole world around me is telling me to find someone... My mum is complaining every now and then that the house needs a 'young man' to do some stuff...

Last thing... I can solve the 5x5 cube!!!!! hahahaha... self learn from video on youtube haha... yeah!!! But I like take half an hour to solve one lah hehe... actually sometimes it's because the cube very hard to turn... always get stuck... but the important thing is I can solve! haha

Well... exams are coming... means MARKING is COMING!!! and invigilation will be so boring... I'll need to drink more coffee than usual to keep myself awake.

:D 5/03/2008 03:19:00 PM