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little eagle
Female, age unknown, loves BLUE
Plays piano, played bass clarinet
in school band
Loves Snoopy, Chip & Dale,
Bugs Bunny, Seven Dwarfs,
Forever Friends Bear,
Doggies and Piggies
Eats when stressed.
Loves chocolates and icecream
Gets paranoid easily.
Prone to clumsiness and getting




1. Go Tasmania
2. Go New Zealand
3. Have a dog
4. Learn driving (eventually)
5. Save more money (on-going)
6. Be Healthy (trying very hard)
7. Find someone and have a family
(trying :D)


1. Malacca with J21
2. Taipei!
3. Holiday lessons for Sec 5
4. Long overdue Clarinets outing!


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Thursday, September 20, 2007


:D 9/20/2007 04:39:00 PM

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Ok... I'm supposed to talk more about my Japan trip.
We stayed at the Ikebukuro House, at Ikebukuro of course. Nice place, with a tiny common area furnished with a comp w internet access, fridge, microwave, toaster, and attached bathroom/toilet.

First day. Harajuku. Went to the Meiji Shrine to pray... heard tat the typhoon on the way from the news... so better pray for safe journey haha...

There's Snoopy Town, where I spent almost 200 bucks on things with snoopy on it, bought a very cute snoopy soft toy, which became my bolster for the next few days in Japan. Kiddy Land, lots of nice stationary, bought some for my students, also bought a nice Chip and Dale diary. Then, there's the 100 yen shop. It's crazy. It's 5 storeys high, and the variety of stuff tat it sells is like unimaginable. Definitely much better than our Daiso in Singapore. Anyway, my cousin went in and bought like 50 over things... we even bought pepper and soy sauce to go with our half boil eggs we eat for breakfast. Then the most useful purchase, paper bags haha... to put in our other shopping...

But the 4 of us felt we didn't buy enough, so we went back again on another day and bought even more... haha...

Second day was Disneyland!! haha... there's a saying that even if you're not a Disney fan, you go into disney land, you'll go crazy. Well, we spent almost an hour just at the bridge that LEADS to disneyland, taking pictures of the sculptures along the bridge.

Finally got in, the characters are everywhere, people are queueing up to take pictures with them. And the longest queue? Mickey Mouse and Pooh. And the interesting thing is, how do find the end of the queue? Well, there’s actually someone there holding a sign that says, ‘Mickey Mouse queue ends HERE’. Cool yeh?

I had to follow tat Chip and Dale around cos they don’t seem to want to take pictures with ‘adults’... they keep on running to little children, babies to take pics with them, and we adults have to follow them and grab them desperately in order to stop them to take picture. Oh yes the popcorn tub... Cute right? Haha

One thing I like about the place is everywhere you go, for every ride, there’s a sign to tell you what’s the waiting time, or when’s the next show. Very tourist friendly place, and no worries about language and communication. There’re signs everywhere in english. Just tat you’ll hear Mickey Mouse talking in Japanese tat’s all.

Fireworks started at 8pm. But a bit too short.. My cousin say the Hongkong one lasted almost half hour. This one only like 10 mins. After tat, we went to the shop outside Disneyland to shop. There’s actually this HUGE shop just beside the train station that sells almost everything tat you can find inside the themepark. I think it’s for people who want to just buy disneyland stuff but don’t want to spend money going inside. Tat place closes at 11pm.. so we spent like one n half hour inside there, well... spending money... haha

3rd day we went Yokohama... Nothing much there la... The roller coaster was though fun but was too short. Still miss the Goldcoast ones... sigh... Those were more than shiok. The Chinatown was so commercialised.. and things so expensive. So in the end, we went back to Harajuku 100 yen shop... haha...

Day 4, we went to Mitaka... My sis day dream night dream also dreaming of tat place. Nice place, bought lots of things again. But the typhoon was approaching... so weather was rather bad... kept on raining. The wind was so strong tat our umbrellas kept on ‘flipping’ back. We finally understood why Japanese like to hold the long transparent umbrellas. Cos they don’t ‘flip’ like our foldable ones, and you can hold it in front of you to block the wind/rain, and still see where you’re going! Haha.

Anyway, then we went to Shinjuku, the ‘Orchard Road’ of Japan. We went to Tokyu Hands... a 7 storeys megashop... selling stationary and craft. Well, you can imagine, I went crazy there again la... I also bought a nice ‘Porter’ bag, not cheap.. $100 over... but worth it la. Then we found Krispy Cremes!!! And they actually give you a free donut when you’re queueing. Nice right? Tat was our dinner anyway... we bought a dozen. So 3 each. I tell you, after eating Krispy Cremes, you’ll NOT want to eat any donut found in Singapore.

Anyway, we were SOO lucky. When we went back, turned on the tv, the news annouced tat all trains are stopped because the typhoon is coming. All the people at the train stations are stranded. We are so lucky we were home. And the Typhoon hit tokyo at midnight.. when we were sleeping like pigs haha... My sis said she felt the house shake... My cousin said could be a tremor... But... I didn’t feel anything.. hehe

Day 5, Odaiba... Weather still bad though the worse was over. There was the Statue of liberty... U don’t need to go to US to take a picture of it. Though this is the smaller version la. The bridge behind is Rainbow Bridge... i think. Wanted to take the Ferris Wheel, supposedly the largest in Tokyo... BUT... tat stupid wind and rain won’t go away, and the closed down the Wheel... URGH.... Bought another expensive bag... with apple prints on it... supposed to be limited edition. The shop has only 3 outlets and each outlet has only 1 of each kind of bag.

Oh.. ate rame
n for lunch... SOO nice... nothing in Singapore can beat it man...

Last day. Went to Nippori, which according to a tourist book on Tokyo, has a street tat sells lots of traditional toys and sweets. But in the end, the whole place look totally different from the map we had in the book! But after much trial and error, we actually found the place haha... Nice place. Bought lots of sweets, bought back to distribute to students haha...

Then went to Asakusa... Also another famous shrine in Japan which also has a street tat sells lots of traditional tidbits and handicraft. Ramen for lunch again... Ooooo... delicious...

Went back earlier to shop around Ikebukuro.

Following day was our flight, which was in the afternoon. So we went to walk around the neighbouhood... shop again. Haha...

Sounds boring ah? Always shopping? But there are some things tat’re really cheap in Japan. Like Japan brand facial products. It’s at least 20% cheaper here. Things are expensive, but there’re of course things tat you can only find in Japan. Oh.. and MUJI is damn cheap. The Singpore outlets are sucking our blood.

Sigh... I want to Go Back!! But no money liao... must stock up first haha...

:D 9/15/2007 01:25:00 PM

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

YEAH!! Japan was great! I shop like crazy, walk like crazy... every night muscle ache the next day still walk the whole day haha... The funny thing is, I thought I bought a lot of things for my friends... But turns out when I sort out my things back home, still so many are my one haha...

No time to post details now... setting paper... sob sob... I spent my entire hols in japan and I'm seriously behind time for submitting my exam papers... ahaha... squeeze squeeze squeeze... questions come out quick...

Two of my favourite photos: Chip and Dale!!

Yeah!! Wanted to take picture with BOTH of them... but somehow they refuse to get together... The only time they took pic together was when they were trying to disturb a baby sleeping in a pram...

Anyway... My sis said I went 'Chip n Dale' and 'Snoopy' crazy... haha... true enough... everything got 'Chip and Dale' and 'Snoopy' I buy, ranging from popcorn tubs, calendars, biscuit tins, soft toys, stickers, pens, handphone strap, keychain, even post-it... haha...

Tat's all for now... will give detailed itinerary another time...

:D 9/11/2007 10:55:00 PM